• They help me engage more with my audience.  If I hear from you and you like or dislike my show, I'd love to talk to you about it and how I can make it better for us all.

Well...besides hearing from my listeners cuz I love you, here are three other reasons why reviews for my podcast matter.

So why do reviews matter?

  • They help me attract more listeners.  Podcast reviews are social proof and when people are looking at if they want to listen to a certain show, most times they check the number of reviews it has. You want to know it's worth your time.  And I hope my show is always worth your time!

  • They give me VALUABLE feedback.  You are why I do these shows and what you think matters in terms of what content I am putting out into the world.  I want to know what's working and not working, to save us all time.
Check out these 3 simple ways to leave a rating and review today!
  1. Open the Podcasts App (see purple icon).
  2. Choose "Search" from the bottom row of icons and enter the name of my show "Hard Beautiful Journey".
  3. Select the show under SHOWS, not under episodes.
  4. Scroll down past the first few episodes until you see the Ratings & Reviews.
  5. Click on "Write a Review" underneath the displayed reviews from other listeners.  You'll then have the option to rate my show on a 5-star scale, and write a review if you choose...and I hope you will ;)
  6. Check out this video on YouTube that also demonstrates how to leave a review on Apple Podcasts.

How To Leave a Rating & Review
on Apple Podcasts


How To Leave a 

  1. Visit my Apple Podcast page in your web browser.
  2. Click "Listen on Apple Podcasts" to the right of my logo; then accept the pop-up asking if you want to launch iTunes.
  3. In iTunes, click "Ratings & Reviews" under the main title.
  4. To rate the show, select a number of stars between 1 and 5 next to the words "Click to rate" under Customer Ratings headline.
  5. To write a review, click "Write a Review" under the Customer Reviews heading.
  6. Check out this video on YouTube that also demonstrates how to leave a review in iTunes on a computer web browser.

iTunes (web browser)

Rating or Review

How To Leave a Rating & Review
in iTunes (web browser)

How to Leave a Review,
Just For Me To Read, Not the World :)

  1. Check out the link below which will take you to a Google Form where I have set up a podcast survey with a few questions.  There is also a section to give me written feedback.
  2. Let me know your thoughts....ALLLLL of them ;)
  3. I will be over here doing a happy dance when I get the notification that you completed this survey!
Give Me Your Thoughts Here!

Hey, I'm Tiff,
The voice behind
the podcast.

This may come as a BIG surprise to some of you that don't know me...
I'm an introvert.  It's only been in the last few years where I've made a commitment to start putting myself out into this world more, and it's been worth every second!

I never once thought my voice was anything special...until I started talking.  And now I know that it has important things to say, and important conversations to have with guests from all over the world. 

I can't wait to talk to you soon!

more about me

about your host

coffee LOVER,speed reading bookworm,
wanna be rockstar & professional napper


I truly am so grateful for every single word that I receive in terms of a review or feedback.  I am someone who is a lifelong learner, and if I can learn from your feedback, trust me, I will!  I am also grateful you take time out of your day to listen to my show.  It is an honour putting these shows out into the world for you and I hope they are giving you HOPE!

