in the RAIN

in the

A Journey of Healing
from Sibling Grief
and Generational Trauma





I was handed the puzzle pieces I knew were missing but could never find.  This discovery, along with navigating my own heart wrenching struggles made me realize I would love him through it, no matter how painful.

Near the end of his life, I discovered the truth about his childhood and adult traumas.

This is a deeply personal story of how I lost my brother to a fentanyl overdose.  I found his struggle with addiction frustrating and impossible to understand until he chose to Use His Voice.

The Journey of Two Siblings Reconnecting Through The Darkest Moments of Addiction

About the Book

I take you into a joint therapy session with my brother Cory, where we talk about our shared experiences and begin to reconnect as siblings.  Walking this healing journey with my brother was what it took for us to become close again, like we were as kids, before the trauma.


a moment I will never, ever forget
- tiff

like we did as kids

Watching Cory battle with addictions most of his life, I began experiencing Anticipatory Grief, knowing it would likely be the reason for my brother's death.  Together we found the courage to heal our relationship through vulnerability and love.

He chose joy and asked me to join him.

In one of this darkest moments after an overdose scare, my brother Cory made the decision to start "Dancing in the Rain" rather than see the world in a negative light.  

"Come on Tiff, come
Dance in the Rain with me."

- Anita Saunders

"It's so heartbreaking but in a good way.  I find books about addiction fascinating and this was no exception.  Such lovely stories and messages about family, so much learning to be had, and written and structured in a way that brings everything to life;  I felt like I knew them all by the end.  Excellent."

hearing these early reviews makes my heart burst with love!

hearing these early reviews makes my heart burst with love!

"I can feel everything that you are writing.  This is not just skill, but raw talent!  Your intention is fully felt and recognized, and I am 100% sure it will be felt in the world.  What you have shared here is a huge gift to anyone who reads it Tiff."

- Andrea Bath

hearing these early reviews makes my heart burst with love!

"Amazing book! Not only is it well written, but seeing the words I needed to see and read has literally changed my life and parenting techniques. If you suffer from sibling grief or generational trauma, this book is hands down the book you NEED to read.
You won’t regret it. Trust me."

- Justin Steinhubl

Tiff Carson is a passionate and inspiring author, podcast host, and speaker based in Alberta, Canada.

She has the unique perspective of having lived through her own complex journey of sibling grief, trauma and mental health issues. Tiff believes when you Use Your Voice, you create positive change for yourself and the world around you. Tiff ’s goal is to inspire others by showing how she used her voice to heal.

As a devoted mother of 3 children, Tiff is an advocate for breaking cycles of
generational pain so that future generations can live healthier lives. She reminds us all that no matter what our journey looks like, it can be hard but also beautiful.




listen in:

This is a safe space where we openly talk about the rollercoaster we call life.  We all have good days and bad days, it's how you choose to walk through them that matters.  We are all here to help each other through them.  On this podcast we are real, vulnerable and ready to heal.


EP64 - Reconnection On Purpose with Dr. Jody Carrington

EP27 - Sharing Your Pain Heals You & Others With Theo Fleury

More Info & Episodes




EP78 - The Story Behind the Song "Dance in the Rain" with Kristina Nichol

EP75 - Is the End?  Only Time Will Tell With Tiffany Vaughan