A Place to BE REAL.


hard beautiful journey podcast

A Place to 

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Where to Listen & Subscribe

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This is a safe space where we openly talk about the rollercoaster we call life.  We all have good days and bad days, it's how you choose to walk through them that matters.  We are all here to help each other through them.  On this podcast we are real, vulnerable and ready to heal.


EP64 - Reconnection On Purpose with Dr. Jody Carrington

EP27 - Sharing Your Pain Heals You & Others With Theo Fleury







EP85 - Kimspirations:  A Story of Resilience and Joy with Kim Livingstone

EP78 - The Story Behind the Song "Dance in the Rain" with Kristina Nichol

- jessica houston. Ph.D., LMSW

"The only word I can think of at the moment is WOW!  Tiffany is absolutely amazing.  I love that she is open and honest about her struggles and her triumphs.  I would love to be her friend in real life, ha ha.  Seriously, you want to tune in.  Hard Beautiful Journey is a phenomenal podcast!"

Podcast Love

- H.I. Yates, author

"Tiffany and her guests are honest with their life experiences in such a way where you can either relate to or be inspired to acknowledge your own capacity to work through adversities.  I appreciate the bravery everyone has in being genuine with sharing their story, because the realness can have you go beyond hope to knowing you can get through the hard times."

Podcast Love

- kathy curtis, author

"Tiffany's podcast is so worthy of your time!  She is someone who has learned from the hard times, shares them openly, and can relate with an open heart to what others are dealing with.  I love spending time with her and her guests.  Real people walking through real life with courage and positivity are something we all need exposure to  on the regular.  I do think she has a gift.  And I love her light!"

Podcast Love

- tyler gravley

"Tiffany is so relatable and sweet!  She is so easy to listen to and the value I get is priceless.  Please listen because you will be able to find yourself in her stories, ease some of your own suffering and find that friend that you never knew you needed but you do! 
I love you Tiffany!"

Podcast Love

You want to hear the REAL stuff, and not just the highlights of people's lives.


You are completely fine with snot crying one minute & laughing the next.


You want to learn strategies for handling some of life's challenges.


You have an actual, for real sense of humour and like to laugh.


you're gonna like this pod if:

Hey, I'm Tiff,
The voice behind
the podcast.

This may come as a BIG surprise to some of you that don't know me...
I'm an introvert.  It's only been in the last few years where I've made a commitment to start putting myself out into this world more, and it's been worth every second!

I never once thought my voice was anything special...until I started talking.  And now I know that it has important things to say, and important conversations to have with guests from all over the world. 

I can't wait to talk to you soon!

more about me

about your host

coffee LOVER,speed reading bookworm,
wanna be rockstar & professional napper



Are you ready to talk about your Hard Beautiful Journey?  Every single person has a story to tell and I would love if you would tell me yours on my podcast.


Click here for instructions!


Every review matters to a podcaster and
I would be honoured if you gave me one! 
When I see your reviews, I legit wanna give
you a big ole smooch


Journey?  Here's Why...

James and I got married on a beautiful beach in Mexico with close friends and family in attendance on May 15, 2003.

Our little miracle, Avery Rose, arrived in this world on September 3, 2008.  It took 5 years & many, many tears to get her here with us and we are grateful every day that God gave us this gift.




The first 4-5 years of our marriage involved me finishing my CPA designation while doing infertility treatments to try & have a child.  Both of these situations led to my first BIG mental health breakdown.

Almost 5 more years and another round of IVF and these two miracles joined our family.  Ryder and Dylan were born April 7, 2013.


Click this icon to read blog post or hear podcast episode.



2015 will always be remembered as one of the hardest years of my life...to that point. I didn't know then how hard it was really going to get.  And wow....did it ever.

My second BIG mental health breakdown - I found myself hiding behind the clothes in my closet, hiding from my kids.  And then I was on a beach getting the self-care I needed.




September 2016 our beautiful live in nanny Digna moved on to another family...and that's when things got REAL.  And when we were told all three of our kids have ADHD & ODD.

One night I was woken up by a very clear message - buy a microphone and start a podcast.  Ummmm ok?!  To talk about what?  And they said....your story.


The beginning of my spiritual awakening!  I am so eternally grateful for finally understanding why I've had a Hard Beautiful Journey & what I can do with it to help others.

James and I made the decision to go our separate ways after almost 20 years of marriage.  It was one of the hardest things I have ever experienced.  Layered with the grief of losing my brother, I didn't know if I could endure much more.




My beautiful brother Cory passed away on October 27, 2021 from a tragic drug overdose.  I thought I knew heartache and pain, but nope, this is a whole new level of grief I never thought I'd feel until much later in life.  

I am finding beauty from the ashes and showing others how it can be done in their lives as well.  It isn't easy but it's worth it to live the rest of this lifetime with peace and joy.