A Place to BE REAL.
A Place to
01. Jenn's Battle with Stage 4 Cancer & how she faced her diagnosis with strength and grace.
02. Discover how Jenn uses Reiki & Tarot for her personal healing journey.
03. Hear how Jenn has learned to quiet her mind, embrace spirituality and find balance.
"The only word I can think of at the moment is WOW! Tiffany is absolutely amazing. I love that she is open and honest about her struggles and her triumphs. I would love to be her friend in real life, ha ha. Seriously, you want to tune in. Hard Beautiful Journey is a phenomenal podcast!"
"Tiffany and her guests are honest with their life experiences in such a way where you can either relate to or be inspired to acknowledge your own capacity to work through adversities. I appreciate the bravery everyone has in being genuine with sharing their story, because the realness can have you go beyond hope to knowing you can get through the hard times."
"Tiffany's podcast is so worthy of your time! She is someone who has learned from the hard times, shares them openly, and can relate with an open heart to what others are dealing with. I love spending time with her and her guests. Real people walking through real life with courage and positivity are something we all need exposure to on the regular. I do think she has a gift. And I love her light!"
"Tiffany is so relatable and sweet! She is so easy to listen to and the value I get is priceless. Please listen because you will be able to find yourself in her stories, ease some of your own suffering and find that friend that you never knew you needed but you do!
I love you Tiffany!"
You want to hear the REAL stuff, and not just the highlights of people's lives.
You are completely fine with snot crying one minute & laughing the next.
You want to learn strategies for handling some of life's challenges.
You have an actual, for real sense of humour and like to laugh.
This may come as a BIG surprise to some of you that don't know me...
I'm an introvert. It's only been in the last few years where I've made a commitment to start putting myself out into this world more, and it's been worth every second!
I never once thought my voice was anything special...until I started talking. And now I know that it has important things to say, and important conversations to have with guests from all over the world.
I can't wait to talk to you soon!
coffee LOVER,speed reading bookworm,
wanna be rockstar & professional napper
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