Hey, I'm 
author, podcaster,
and speaker.

It was the day I heard the words "You know you're supposed to do something with this pain" that I knew I was meant to be here, showing up in the world and shining my light.  I've had my share of pain.  It's definitely been a Hard Beautiful Journey.  

I love taking those hard moments and sharing with others how I have made it through them, to be a source of hope for someone else....whether that is through speaking engagements, my first book or talking with you on my podcast.

We are here to help one another and lift each other up.  We weren't meant to do this thing called life alone.  There is so much to be grateful for, even in the darkest of moments.  Let me show you how I have found my way to a place of peace and happiness, even with all the pain and heartache.

When I am not doing this work, I am doing the most important work God tasked me with...being a Momma to my three beautiful kids Avery, Ryder and Dylan.  You'll also find me reading, napping, meditating, singing, playing drums or downing copious amounts of coffee.   

coffee LOVER,speed reading bookworm,wanna be rockstar & professional napper


Let your light shine so brightly that others can see their way out of the dark.

_ Katrina Mayer


Your at-a-glance guide to where I stand on all the truly important things.

favorite indulgence

celeb I'd love to meet

guilty pleasure

alternate universe job

favorite place I've been

drink of choice

can't live without

usually craving

beach vs mountains

favorite show to binge

Me & spa treatments....best friends.

P!nk or Matthew McConaughey

Long bath while reading a book.

Travel blogger...please let this happen!

Hawaii...get me to Hawaii, stat!

I looooove Gingerale...yummm.

Does life exist without coffee?!

Ice cream....always.

Beach, beach, baby.

Documentaries on Netflix