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I'm real, I'm raw, and I'm ok sharing the hard stuff.  I hope it helps someone, maybe even you!

The Blog

I am coming to you live from my closet right now. And yes, I was supposed to have James on this episode with me, but, as we started to record the episode, I got a little bit testy with him and I asked him just to not be on this episode with me. So there’s […]

Flight Risk In Florida


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YAY!! It’s time to meet the man that has been there the whole way in this Hard Beautiful Journey. My handsome hubby James :). Please take a listen and you will see what he thought of the last 15 years together. I thought I knew what he would say but there were definitely some truth […]

It’s Time To Meet James


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So if you’ve been here from the beginning for Episode 1-3, first of all, thank you!  If you’ve listened in, you’d probably agree that was definitely a bit of a CRAZY TRAIN!  I thought that once we moved to Turner Valley to our new town and new home, and the fact that I found a […]

The Day The Letter Came


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Episode #2 left off with me picking up our new live in nanny at the airport.  Digna came to us from Hong Kong where she was a live in nanny for another family.  She is from the Philippines and had left her own children there with her Mom.  Her husband Larry was working in Hong […]

Crazy Train

Mental Health

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Can you remember when you spent money on something that you considered extravagant?  You didn’t REALLY need it, but it sure did make you feel like your life was easier because of it? BEST MONEY we even spent was on 3 things. I’m quite sure you’ll know what those things are by the end of […]

Double Vision

Family, Mental Health

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Hi everyone, thanks for joining me for Episode 1!  I can’t believe this is actually happening and I have started my own podcast!!  Thank you so much for being here and taking time out of your day to listen, I do not take that lightly.  I am beyond honored that you are here.  And I […]

The Truth About My Infertility And Mental Health Breakdown


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